Maricopa County
CHW Resources
These resources are designed to support you in your important work as a community health worker. Whether you're looking for training, education, networking, or support, you'll find valuable resources here to help you succeed and be a force for good in your community!
If you have a resource you would like to have listed, please email eduardo@azchow.org for more information.
Estos recursos están diseñados para apoyarle en su importante labor como promotor(a). Tanto si busca formación, educación, redes de contactos o apoyo, aquí encontrará valiosos recursos que le ayudarán a tener éxito y a ser una fuerza positiva en su comunidad.
Si tiene algún recurso que le gustaría incluir en la lista, envíe un correo electrónico a eduardo@azchow.org para obtener más información.
COVID-19 Resources
Recruitment for COVID-19 vaccine trials. Links:(Spanish) (English)
What happens in a COVID-19 Vaccine Trial? Links: (Spanish) (English)
What do children need during COVID-19. Links: (Spanish) (English)
Mama Lucha’s COVID-19 Dance Party. Links: (Spanish) (English)
“Social Distancing During COVID.” Links here: (Spanish) (English)
COVID Vaccine Resources:
Information on the different vaccines
Vaccine Safety
CDC: V-safe — A new smartphone-based, after-vaccination health checker for people who receive COVID-19 vaccines.
Understanding mRNA
View this helpful video on the immune response and vaccine technology.
Other COVID-19 Animations to Watch
Our Health After COVID - Video.mp4

What happens in the Covid-19 vaccine trial (Spanish)

Social Distancing During Covid 19 (Spanish)

Mama Lucha Covid 19 Dance Party (Spanish)
Mental Health Resources
Strengthening our Mental Health, Together in this Fight

How to Identify Persons at Risk for an Emotional Crisis

Importance of Self-Care During Life

Stress and Your Health
Recursos de Salud Mental
Enfermedades Crónicas y Salud Mental

Enfermedades crónicas y salud mental

Inmunopatologias e Inmunodeficiencias asociadas a enfermedades crónicas de diferentes etiologías
Ayudando a Fortalecer la Salud Mental y Emocional

Ayudando a fortalecer la salud mental y emocional de los menores de edad

Estilo de padres y las consciencias emocionales y mentales en los niños

Ayudando a fortalecer la salud mental y emocional de los niños, niñas y adolescentes
Disabilidades, Enfermedades Mentales y Degenerativas

Taller Virtual: Discapacidad y tipos de discapacidad

Desabilidades enfermedades mentales y degenerativas (pt.2)

Desabilidades enfermedades mentales y degenerativas (pt.1)
Jóvenes Fortaleciendo la Salud Mental

Jóvenes Fortaleciendo La Salud Mental: La nueva definicion de noviazgo

Cuidar tu salud mental y la de tus hijos no es cosa de loca

Jóvenes Fortaleciendo La Salud Mental: How a lack of boundaries can lead to anxiety and depression
CHW Emergency Preparedness Infographics
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Preparación para emergencias para CHWs
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Arizona Prevention Research Center
Visit the website associated with the Arizona Prevention Research Center (AzPRC) at the University of Arizona to learn more about the Arizona Community Health Worker (CHW) Workforce Coalition. This coalition offers resources, advocacy efforts focused on advancing the role of CHWs in public health within Arizona and more! Visit their website using the button below.