CHW Integration
What is a CHW?
If you are an organization interested in integrating CHWs and you wish to learn more about what a CHW is and the role CHWs have in different health areas, please visit: Community Health Worker Resources | CDC
To review the roles and competencies of CHWs visit the C3 project website and utilize their provided checklist: Roles & Competencies | CHW Core Consensus Project (
Checklist: 7ec423_cb744c7b87284c75af7318614061c8ec.pdf (

CHW Integration
If your organization is interested in integrating CHWs, please review the following checklist provided by the CDC to evaluate your organizational readiness and to identify the next steps for your organization.
CHW Inclusion Checklist: Including Community Health Workers (CHWs) in Health Care Settings A Checklist for Public Health Practitioners
For more information about how to use the checklist: Community Health Workers (CHW) Inclusion Checklist | CDC
Read more about some of the obstacles, successes, and challenges of CHW integration by reading through some of the articles and studies listed below:
The impact and importance of integrating CHWs into care teams: In Focus: Integrating Community Health Workers into Care Teams | Commonwealth Fund
Highlighting the specific obstacles that CHWs face for integration in Arizona: Organizational Readiness for Integrating CHWs (Study): Frontiers | Organizational Readiness for Community Health Worker Workforce Integration Among Medicaid Contracted Health Plans and Provider Networks: An Arizona Case Study (
Strategies to Improve the Integration of Community Health Workers Into Health Care Teams: “A Little Fish in a Big Pond” (Study): Strategies to Improve the Integration of Community Health Workers Into Health Care Teams: “A Little Fish in a Big Pond” (

Evidence for the Effectiveness of CHWs
If you are interested in learning about why your organization should integrate CHWs, review the studies below that highlight the effectiveness of CHW integration in improving health outcomes.
CDC Report that shows how CHWs can improve health outcomes especially through chronic disease care services: Policy Evidence Assessment Report: Community Health Worker Policy Components (
Study that shows evidence of CHWs ability to improve multiple chronic conditions in low-income populations: Community Health Worker Support for Disadvantaged Patients With Multiple Chronic Diseases: A Randomized Clinical Trial - PMC (
Study that shows how CHW interventions can decrease hospitalization rates for disadvantaged patients with chronic conditions: Effects of a standardized community health worker intervention on hospitalization among disadvantaged patients with multiple chronic conditions: A pooled analysis of three clinical trials - PMC (
A WHO report on the evidence on programmes, activities, costs and impact on health outcomes of using community health workers: Microsoft Word - ac_community_health_workers.doc (
Please see our CHW One-Pager to the right to view cost-savings and more!

Searching for Funding Opportunities
What is a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)?
An official solicitation for acquisition awards (contracts) that tells you what the Agency requires for a specific project or activity and how it will evaluate bids. All RFPs are posted on
What is a Request for Proposal (RFP)?
An official solicitation for assistance awards (grants and cooperative agreements). All NOFOs are posted on
If you are interested in learning how to utilize grant sites and how to search for grants and funding opportunities, please use the following quick guide:

Grant Sites
If you are interested in searching for grants/funding opportunities, please use the links below.

Share Your Experience with Us!
If your organization has submitted an application for funding recently, please fill out the survey below to share your experience as to what worked and what didn't. Stories will be featured on the AzHIP website for others in our communities to learn from.

If you would like more information or have suggestions on what to add to our toolkit, please contact